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What I've Learned During Lockdown

April is almost over, the month of bluebells, it's the symbol of humility, everlasting love and constancy, and lockdown 2020.

Well now, have you looked outside – really taken a good look – and noticed the important things in life are still standing amidst the carnage of this virus.

The sky is still blue, and the air is getting cleaner and less polluted. No vapour trails in the sky over Yorkshire.

But I’m missing some of the important things in life – chatting with friends in person and hugging my grandsons. There’s only so far the virtual world will go in making us feel human.

And yes, I’m all too aware of others who have paid a steeper, darker price.

And that’s why, I’ve sat in my garden chair over the last few weeks and made a list of the important things in life and what I’ve learned during lockdown.

My list will likely share things with your list – friends, family, and gratitude for the random acts of strangers as we all face an uncertain day.

And yes, my garden. 

And that is something most of us have in common. 

A garden – that paradise right outside my back door – is a refuge no matter the weather. It’s something that you can use now. My front garden has been destroyed by builders working next door. I am using the time to recreate a gravel garden in my mind.

What I’ve learned during lockdown..........

I think a lot about food.

There is a global overuse of the word unprecedented.

I now know how to spell the word unprecedented.

Right now, it’s a lot easier to look back than it is forward.

Most of those things I was going to achieve in lockdown remains unticked on that list.

My makeup is feeling incredibly unloved and lonely.

I’m chatting with neighbours and enjoying walking in the early evening when the village are having dinner and its relatively people free.

I’m spending more time with books, the hard copies rather than eye squinting iPad.

I’m knitting and crocheting, especially the rainbows of hope and change for friends and neighbours.

I’m cooking and baking more. I feel like this is what my Mum did, to ensure there was always cake in the tin and cooked meals in the freezer, just in case!

I’m still thinking about food.

Listening to the sound of music. At the moment I need to appreciate calming sounds, Yo-Yo Ma and Einaudi.

And writing? I’ve really lost my writing mojo as I’ve been on this journey of self-isolation, but the good news is that I am slowly finding motivation.

I find I am spending time remembering some of the lovely gardens of Europe that I visited last year. I’m going to be posting a series of three of my very special memorable gardens.

These will appear soon, but not today.

I’m wandering in my garden to make a mental list of things that should be done and might get done.
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